66×54, completed about 2 hours ago.
This painting is evocative of the powerful forces presently available, and the need to channel them creatively, with insight, vision, perspective, and compassion.
The …
66×54, completed about 2 hours ago.
This painting is evocative of the powerful forces presently available, and the need to channel them creatively, with insight, vision, perspective, and compassion.
The …
40×30, completed late yesterday.
The painting speaks of the need to get rid of outworn physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual baggage in order to fully embrace new opportunities.… Read more...
66×54. Completed last evening.
This painting reflects the very beginning of things, before any manifestation occurs. The energy is swirling, moving in many different directions, before coalescing into a new … Read more...
66×54, completed 4 April. One of those magical occasions that whilst applying the last color I knew this would complete the painting.
It speaks to me of the need to … Read more...
66×54. Completed 23 March with the addition of anthraquinone red.
Definitely mirrors my experience of bobbing up and down, and being overwhelmed by thoughts and feelings, yet there is also … Read more...
66×54 inches, completed late yesterday
As outworn forms, structures, beliefs, and paradigms disintegrate, tremendous energies are released. New channels need to be carefully crafted through which these forces can flow … Read more...
66×54, completed late yesterday.
It reflects the often maddening issues and powerful energies of these times, and reminds me to view and use them creatively.… Read more...
40×30. I walked into the studio with the intention of adding more colors to the painting. But to my great surprise, it was obviously already complete!
The painting is reminiscent …
66×54. Completed about two hours ago.
A full-on exploration of, and immersion in, uncharted waters. So much to discover! This one is quite different from any of the current series. … Read more...