Stance of the Spiritual Warrior

In 1979, toward the end of my stay at the Findhorn Community, Donald Keys brought his workshop, “The Stance of the Spiritual Warrior,” to share with interested members. It was a remarkable experience for many of us.

In 1981 I had the good fortune to spend some personal time with Donald at the beginning of the Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose, a global project of which he was one of the initiators, and his presence and truths have stayed strongly with me.

During the decades since, I have worked intensively with these principles along my own path of growth and transformation, deepening both my understanding and practice of them. It continues to be a work in progress, and in making them uniquely my own, this is the direction in which they have developed.

Show Up. Bring all of your consciousness, presence, integrity, and being to every situation. Ask yourself what seeks emergence in this moment, and how you might assist that happening.

Pay Attention. Listen carefully to what is being said, and notice what is not being said. Refrain from annoyance and judgment, as much as possible.

Speak Truth. Share your truth and perspectives firmly, with compassion and kindness. Use discernment, acute perception, and a finely-honed bullshit knife to cut through illusion and delusion to the heart of the matter. Be forgiving of those who cannot hear what you are sharing.

Trust the Process. Step back and allow opportunities, events, and experiences to emerge and manifest in their own manner and timing. Continue to be true to yourself, and express and support your visions and understandings. Assist the process with your truth, openness, and energy.

Don’t Be Attached to Outcomes. Issues and situations have lives of their own, and may resolve themselves in many different ways. It may well not be what you were hoping for or expecting.

© 2015 Merlin Emrys. All Rights Reserved.

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