These Are Times That Try Our Souls

The long-lasting square of Uranus to Pluto, symbolizing the need for creative paradigm shifts and changes in consciousness (although Uranus has since moved on, the effects of this transit will continue for years to come) has served, in one regard, to reveal completely the rot at the core of U.S. society, and in other countries as well. Hatred, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, fascism, white supremacy, fear of others who are different, and those who would derive profit and power from this, have been exposed. There is no sense denying this, or trying to negotiate with the neo-nazis who want nothing less than total control over the populace, advancing their agenda of greed and the rape and pillage of the Earth.

But Uranus offers a way out. Individual and group efforts are required, coming from a place of clear insight and motivation, to oppose these forces. We must speak out loudly and clearly at every opportunity, with clarity and insight, and act accordingly.

Organizations such as BLM, MeToo, and ongoing protests against racism, police brutality, and climate change are a few examples. But it is equally important for all of us to face the racism that lives within ourselves and continues to be fueled by external events, and to deeply examine our responses.

Pluto was discovered in 1930, and the unleashing of its symbolic forces led to Nazi Germany and the atomic bomb soon thereafter. Uranus was discovered in 1781, marking the French and American revolutions, which sought to overthrow the tyranny of dictators and attempted to establish a new world order.

The planets last conjoined in 1965-67, heralding a time when new paradigms were being forged, in opposition to the rigidity of society and domination of the wealthy class at the expense of workers. As the planets approached one another, the Civil Rights movement gained a strong foothold, and a sense of the birth of a civilization based upon equality, justice, and liberty for all seemed eminently possible.

But as usual, the forces of greed and control subsumed the attempts to change things.

The planets moved into square aspect about seven years ago, symbolizing a crisis in conscious action to bring this Aquarian dream into reality. It will take time, for the flailings of the dying beast of the old ways of being are dangerous, as shown by the last four years of U.S. government and the daily horrors perpetrated upon the Earth and all its beings. Fear of change is rampant, and many people are being manipulated by those who want to maintain the status quo, regressing to prior stages of development permeated by religious superstition.

The possibility exists for love, peace, and harmony to prevail. It is vital for all of us to stand in our own truth and knowingness, our actions guided by the light of spirit which seeks to create equality and freedom for all.

© 2018-2021 Merlin Emrys. All Rights Reserved.

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